Self-Mastery & Reality Creation Coach
The Frequency of Authenticity is more powerful than Love
What is Authenticity?
Authenticity arises naturally when you see what is there and respond accordingly. What is truly required in this specific moment from your embodied being, without the layers of conditioning accumulated, the myths about yourself that you were told and the stories you created in your mind and body to survive? None of this conditioning is wrong, or right for that matter, but it distorts our perception and often keeps us in a reactive, fear-based state. It doesn't mean that we are always 'nice' it does mean that we exhibit the full range of human emotion but from a place of truth and not fear. We are not returning to a previous state, prior to our conditioned state, we are simply looking from the lens that has been wiped clean. This is not an elevated state, it is not a transcendent state. What is key for authenticity is embodiment. Being in the body and responding from the body. We are human after all. When we embody who we are we raise our frequency and life draws in those experiences that match that frequency state. It is a dance between curiosity, awareness, integration, release, embodiment and walking our soul path.
Hypnosis is a powerful and safe technique that taps into your subconscious mind. Hypnosis can bring awareness to your limiting beliefs, clear them and rewire new beliefs, supporting your transformation into who you want to be.
Somatic Presencing is a combination of working with the unresolved energy within your nervous system, whilst in co-regulation with another. It is a gentle process that feels loving and supportive yet yields powerful transformation.
This ancient system can expedite your self-inquiry journey. We each have a blueprint that pinpoints our 'karmic' imprints and 'dharmic' path, the map of you. It can show you your soul's desire and what can encumber it.
Work with me for 6 months to truly live in an authentic state and embark on your soul work. We will journey with curiosity bringing awareness, allowing release and integration, moving into embodiment and working on your soul work.
"“That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility.”
About Charmain
Modalities I work with include, spiritual practices, hypnosis; including regression, channelling and brain entrainment, somatic/nervous system practices, energy work, NLP and astrology among others. Mostly, I am being present with you with a curious and explorative openness to what wants to emerge. I call in the support of our guides, those seen and unseen, and our multi-dimensional brothers and sisters, who are all versions of you.
My biggest credential is never going to be any course or program I've studied. They help, of course. My biggest training came from life, walking the path, from my own deep desire for truth and to love and to know and serve Gaia, humanity, God, all of creation, who we are.
DipHPsych Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
Dip NLP & Coaching
Cert. Spiritual Coach
Cert. Stress Management
Cert. Ho'oponopono practitioner
Cert. Relational Skills Trauma
Somatic Approaches to Healing Trauma
Reiki Level III Master Level
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