Self-Mastery & Reality Creation Coach
Coaching for Alignment with the
New World Paradigm and Authentic Living
soul work
We talk of the new Earth as if it is something coming into existence. It is already here. We are the ones who are attuning to the specific frequency. Humanity has the opportunity, on this Earth timeline, to shift our frequencies to align to Gaia's higher expression. To move into our hearts and out of the judgement of our fear.
Join me for this six week program for whole being awareness, release, integration, embodiment which all creates space and alignment for your SOUL WORK.
I work with a range of modalities including: Spiritual practices, hypnosis; including regression, channelling and brain entrainment, somatic/nervous system practices, energy work, NLP, teachings and astrology among others. Mostly, I am being present with you with a curious and explorative openness to what wants to emerge. I connect my presence with yours and together we create a field in which to see, hear, feel and offer into the field that which wishes to be known, to be alchemised, and envision that which wishes to be created. I call in the support of our guides, those seen and unseen, and our multi-dimensional brothers and sisters, who are all versions of you, of each of us.
Working together to release the 'myths' of your life, to create a Mythic Life
The 3D way of 'healing' is becoming obsolete
because nothing needs to be 'healed' - nothing is wrong. You are COMPLETE and PERFECT.
Frequency is king. When we realise that every moment is a unique expression of the totality of Creation, complete in and of itself, we begin to truly embody what it means when we speak of there being no future and no past, and that there really is only now. Every possibility already exists, there is nothing to create 'You' have already created it. It is simply your frequency that switches you from scene to scene, from moment to moment. Working on your frequency is what alchemy truly is. The old scene does not disappear, it still exists, but you witness another that is in alignment with
who you are in that moment.
You are perfect - your experience is happening. Witness it. Then Choose Your Next Scene.
You 'just' need to remember that You are God
When God saw Creation he declared "It Is Good."
Your experience wants to be witnessed
explored and delighted in.
Before we can begin to walk the soul's trajectory, we first need awareness of who we currently are. What stories am I telling? These can be obvious or very subtle. As humans we understand our energetic experience through the narratives we tell, by attributing meaning to our direct physical experience in our body, from our perceptions. This creates our conditioning, our identity, our stories. We made them up, they are not real. The stories are not in the present moment, they are in the past or future. We are in the present moment, so to be who we truly are we need to stay away from the stories. Using modalities including teachings, hypnosis, somatic scanning and presencing, mediation and astrology, we begin the journey into dropping the stories and discovering who you are, what is your desired highest trajectory and what impedes your alignment and fullest expression of the Light. All is an expression of creation, we simply need to ask is this from my highest perspective?
We are forever pendulating between moving into alignment - envisioning our version of Heaven on Earth, and seeing that which is not part of our authentic vision - our conditioned self. Whatever arises is a part of us and should be seen and validated. We do not want to push away our experience. We want to build capacity in our human body, our nervous system to hold whatever is in our experience, the resisting and pushing away is what stops the flow of creation, and keeps us in the looping, never completing the arousal cycle within our nervous system. Once we allow the full experience to be seen and felt, it will naturally release from our body, our subconscious mind, and there will be space for something new. Here we work with the body, our felt sense, what is my direct experience, how can I be with it? We close out cycles, in gentle ways and create ease and safety in our nervous system.
When we speak of shifting to a 'higher' dimension, we are describing a dimension with more Light, in other words more information. We consider that we are moving in the direction of oneness. To move towards oneness, 'unity consciousness,' we first need to have a unified body. If our vessel remains fragmented and afraid we cannot expect to hold the frequency of oneness with any consistency because it is not our embodied state. At this stage we call back all of those parts that we have abandoned and rejected to stay safe, we integrate them back into our being with open arms. The energy drain of hyper vigilance to stay safe moves aside. All of us is welcomed home. We also want to integrate our masculine and feminine aspects, our mind and heart. We work with being with our centres, head, heart and belly, tuning into our experience of the form and formless with equality. Being in practices for both. Tantric and transcendence. Working with meditation. We work towards re-intergration which naturally leads to re-remembering of our true Creator nature.
We may experience fleeting moments of awakening and epiphany but it will not remain our embodied reality without consistency in our practice. A re-remembering time and again is required. We need to be able to to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. This is a practice. It is not something that occurs overnight. We want to take our realisations beyond our mind. We complete the path of the contracted energy to move into our heart to embrace our natural state. This is our true next step. To be with all of our experience, we want to intimately know our direct experience, our lived experience. From the head to the heart, from conceptual to practical. Becoming it. Among other practices, here we will work directly with our neural pathways through hypnosis, and utilise forms of meditation, consistently taking action in a embodiment practices, remembering through practical steps. Consistency is the best practice of all.
soul work
We often talk about purpose as if it is some big thing over there. For me, 'purpose' is your next step in refining your being. Your purpose and a vision you are working towards are not the same thing. When we jump ahead to knowing what we think our purpose is without having taken the steps required to get there, we are sometimes met with confusion and it can seem like a struggle, and an ever moving 'purpose goal post'. It is not that we cannot dream big, but instead we must remain aware that our vision is not our purpose. Purpose is to take you from one state of being to the next, how you do that matters less than we often think. Visions are unique parts of creation that want a specific form in a reality. Together you can be in partnership, whereby the vision curates a container for you to meet you purpose and you and your purpose creates a vehicle for the vision to emerge in the 3D. Here we create a container for the vision to begin to emerge, take shape and to understand our part in the process. Our practice is to stay in alignment, holding the vision and attracting what it requires, and for us what we require to make that vision happen, and importantly taking '3D' action steps. It is not that it cannot magic out of thin air, but in this 3D reality that we have incarnated into we also need to take some 3D steps, and why wouldn't we want to.